Companies face major challenges to understand their legal exposure in Europe, North America and increasingly in other parts of the world. As well as being responsible for managing compliance registration, recycling and reporting obligations companies need to keep up to date with the ever-changing regulations in each country.
EC4P's Packaging Compliance & Enforcement Guide has been updated for 2023 with a wide range of new enforcement proceeding examples, possible enforcement's now applicable and newly enacted packaging legislation in countries all over the world, most notably North America.
The guide updates includes new sections:
North America enactments and other major updates for USA and Canada - 21 States now have enacted or drafted EPR legislation for Packaging
Recent UK enforcement proceedings released from the Environment Agency and new information about the UK Plastic Packaging Tax fines
EU Single-Use Plastics Directive update with legal action against 11 EU Member States - increased producer requirements likely from 2023
Additionally, brands with global footprints should note the EU Circular Economy Package requires companies based outside of the EU but which are selling products into Europe (distance selling) are increasingly likely to be obligated under the packaging regulations in each country.
If your company sells packaged products into Europe, North America or other world markets, ensuring you comply with the requirements in each country can be a daunting task with a range of risks for non-compliance in each instance from monetary fines to criminal prosecutions and even imprisonment.