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Extended Producer Responsibility in Chile

June 1st, 2015
On 9 June 2015 the Senate of the Chilean Ministry of Environment approved a bill for the Law on the Promotion of Recycling. The Law is now in the final stages of approval and a period of indications has been opened until 3 August.

The bill will promote reuse, recycling and recovery through the means of Extended Producer Responsibility. EPR will be introduced for 9 priority products; including Electrical and Electronic Equipment, Batteries & Packaging.

Collection targets will be set for manufacturers and importers of priority products which will allow for the official development of the recycling industry within Chile.

Chile leads the production of electronic garbage per capita in the region. 9% of all electronic waste in the world is produced in Latin America, which corresponds to 3,900,000 tons.

An e-waste dump in Chile, South America. Source: acuerdos.cl