Denmark is
the only member state within the EU which has not yet introduced obligations on
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for packaging and waste packaging. Currently,
municipalities in Denmark are responsible for managing packaging waste, not
producers. However, Denmark has just consulted on a draft amendment to the
Environment Protection Act which intends to transpose the EU Packaging
Directive 852/2018.
The draft amendment sets out requirements on producers/importers to take-back and treat waste packaging according to their market share. The draft covers;
The details of the EPR regime are to be issued within supplementary legislation by the Minister.
The Ministry has proposed to issue legislation that;
The new proposed legislation on EPR obligations is due to come into effect by 2025, superseding the current the EU Circular Economy Package Principles.
In a time of rapidly developing packaging regulations, heightened awareness regarding the environmental impact of packaging waste, and increased enforcement undertakings across the EU (see EC4P’s Packaging Enforcement Guide), Sphera EC4P has been recognised as an industry leading compliance solution. Sphera EC4P’s experience in implementing legally robust compliance solutions saw them win “Best Packaging Recycling Compliance Solution” at the 2019 BUILD awards; an award programme designed to celebrate industry leaders that have innovated and improved Recycling and Waste Management in the UK.