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Global developments in ecomodulated product recycling fees

July 27th, 2020

In line with the objectives of the European Circular Economy policy and revised Waste Framework Directive 2018/851, we are now seeing an increasing number of Member States introduce 'eco-modulated' fees for packaging placed on their country markets and for which producers/importers of packaging or packaged products are responsible for recycling.

Under this eco-modulated fee approach, the recycling fees can be lower for packaging that is reusable and easier to recycle. Member States are also starting to develop other Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) regulations to include eco-modulated recycling fees for waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and batteries which have a lower environmental impact at end-of-life.

In countries outside Europe which have implemented EPR regulations, we are now seeing eco-modulated recycling fees being introduced for packaging which is easier to recycle.

Did you know:

  • In the Netherlands, the Packaging Waste Fund setup by packaging producers to meet their EPR obligations has introduced a Plastic Fee Modulation Scheme, effective until 31 December 2022. Recycling fees are 43% lower in 2020 for rigid plastic packaging with good recyclability
  • In France, from January 2021, packaging recovery schemes can charge a recycling fee which is 50% lower for polyethylene and polypropylene packaging which incorporates at least 50% recycled material. This reduced recycling fee is funded through increasing the recycling fee for other types of plastic packaging
  • In Canada, we are now seeing packaging recovery schemes offer financial incentives through lower packaging recycling fees for paper, plastics and printed matter which include recycled content